your personal permanent pinterest 

ArDrive Pins let you save any permaweb file into your Drive.

Use Pins to create inspiration boards, recipe collections, or NFT compilations. Any public file on the permaweb can be organized in your own ArDrive account.

4 Quick Uses for Pins

  1. Just like Pinterest, create Drives that serve as inspiration boards: travel photos and tips, fashion, music or art collections. Anything stored on Arweave can be organized by you with ArDrive.
  2. Imagine being able to go back in time to use old version of Facebook or MySpace. That isn’t possible with big tech, but version control is possible for any decentralized apps on Arweave.  Pin apps like Alex, Permapages, or even ArDrive so your favourite version is always at your fingertips to use!
  3. Uploaded something to ArDrive but it’s in the wrong Drive? Pins fix that. Easily add files to different Public Drive with a pin (Private Drives coming soon).
  4. Use Pins curate your own gallery of your permaweb content, and share your Public drive with the world!
🤔 How Much Do Pins Cost?

Pins are free on ArDrive.

Since the file has already been uploaded to the permaweb it doesn’t need to paid for to be uploaded again.

Where Can I Find Files To Pin?

There are millions of files on the Permaweb, but there isn’t a search engine like Google for permanent files (yet).  Here are good places to start looking:

Pianity – thousands of songs can be pinned by transaction ID

Alex – explore public domain books and cultural artifacts

Manifold – millions of pinable NFTs and works of digital art

BazAR – a digital content marketplace with real world rights

How do I Pin on ArDrive? 

Once you get the Arweave transaction ID or File ID of the file you want to pin you are almost there.
  • Make sure you are in a Public Drive (coming soon to Private Drives)
  • Select ‘New File Pin’ from the dropdown list of the New button
  • Enter your Transaction ID or File ID into the popup box and then click the Create button
There you go! You have pinned! It’s that easy to get going with Pins. Go ahead and share your Drives with world!

Pinning = Winning

Everything you Pin will always be free. 

No email required.

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