unlimited storage

No storage limits, no worries. Just storage tailored to your needs.

No limits, just possibilities

Every account grants you unlimited data storage, enabling you to upload as much or as little as you choose. With no inactive accounts – ever – any type of file uploaded will be securely stored, ready for your return whenever it may be.

No Storage Limits

No more constraints on storage amounts or minimum requirements. Embrace the flexibility to use and pay for precisely what you need. Whether it's kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes, the choice is yours!

No Inactive Accounts

Never worry about inactive accounts at ArDrive. Use it regularly or revisit after years - your account stays active, and your files will be there, ready for your access. Pay once, store forever.

Store any type of file

ArDrive can accomodate all file types. Whether it's .doc, png, mp3, json, wave, video files etc. you can confidently upload and store them with ease 😌

Redundant and Secure Files

Welcome to the streamlined data storage solution. Our global network provides built-in redundancy, and ArDrive app version control, and private data encryption.

"When you upload something and know it will be there forever with no data degradation and also know that that the file cannot be deleted ... it feels really good."

No email required.

🎉 AR.IO Mainnet is Live!

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